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Bingo time

I don’t bloody know nick told me to do it

Bangggggg it’s bingo time


bingo moment

The positive realization that a crush likes you back; unexplicit confirmation and "bingo" feeling that someone likes you and sees themselves as having a chance with you, usually through a outwardly or subtle flirt.

"Mikey got sent a winky face by the guy he likes when he invited him to a concert. No straight dude would ever send a winky face to another dude, not even ironically. So that was his bingo moment."

"When Seth told me that he liked girls with short hair, that was absolutely my bingo moment. He was smirking at me as he said it too."

by Ai Anon November 13, 2023


The result of being too cross-faded (marijuana and alcohol) that one vomits.

Yo, Skyler got absolutely bingoed last night, he was out like a light

by OuterHeaven9 January 12, 2024


The result of one being too cross-faded (intoxicated with alcohol and marijuana) and vomiting

Dude, Skyler absolutely bingoed last night! Poor guy!

by OuterHeaven9 January 13, 2024


When you have won a game of bingo and the game carries on because there are prizes for second and third

I had already bingoed so Beryl and Joan played on for the placings.

by Simo March 21, 2018


getting beaten in a particular activity

Bro, You just got bingoed you're so bad!

by godgamerblen April 11, 2022

double bingo

A simultaneous orgasm

Pool bartender... "hey you two look happy what have you done today?"

Couple... "we just closed the curtains in our cabana and managed to get a double bingo!"

by Romandell October 21, 2017