The best, most exciting, and under-valued genre of TV ever.
You gotta watch those new British shows innit just great mate
Unlike the typical American vacation, a British vacation is where you announce to everyone you will be away whilst you will in fact be around the whole time annoying said people and not actually enjoying any vacation.
Gully Announces: I shall be on vacation this week Guildies and will be unavailable until January 1rst.
Next 6 days: Annoys the shit out of everyone in his guild channel, and spend most his days changing shit on the server while on his British Vacation
A really really deep or good sleep induced by someone talking with a really calming English accent
Why didn't Jerry wake up until noon?
He was in a british coma because of that audiobook.
If you are a british Benjamin you probably say BOI a lot and try to see if people lie to you
Bruh youre such a british Benjamin
An uncontrollable urge to 'get in that ass'. A common pass-time for the people of Osterley.
I was on a date at the Osterley Pub and could resist British Pashing her.
The bedroom got boring so the went down the British Pash path. A VERY memorable night!
A term used when describing a night that entails heavy intoxication.
Friend 1-Yo, its been a really long week.
Friend 2-Lets go out and Get British!
Friend 1- ELLOOO!
It's a hot dog, but it's British
"Ugh, Paddington is such an Anglophile, of course he'd order a British Hotdog"