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Cabbage jesus

A overweight cunt who is full of life and loves to joke around with anyone. He loves to make friends and will even share his lunch with you. He will go out of his way for anyone!

Bro 1: did u just see that guy? he just gave the homeless family 100 dollars!
Bro 2: yeah! he always does that his name is cabbage jesus..
Bro 1: what a mad cunt we should meet him sometime..

Bro 2: hell yeah!

by Cabbage jesus May 12, 2019

Cabbage Patch

When someone high five/holds your spud/fist bump

Did you just cabbage patch me

by JAGOJSANTANA November 19, 2019

cabbage tosser

a socially awkward single middle aged man who pokes holes in cabbage heads and proceeds to have sex with whilst spinning cabbage head in a counter clockwise motion until orgasam is achieved

she said quietly to her friend that guy with the mustache and glasses looks like a cabbage tosser

by ringlewart March 6, 2017

Dense Cabbage

Rare insult

Shut up you dense cabbage

by That Dense Cabbage Guy December 16, 2021


An ethnic slur directed towards people of German and central/eastern-European descent based on the prevalence of cabbage in their diets (AKA, Cabbage-Coon).

Haha, look at Johan and Vladimir sitting there eating their Sauerkraut and Borsch while squatting drinking Weihenstephaner and vodka. What a pair of Cabbage-Niggers.

by ZeGermansAndZeSlavsAreNotSoDif February 3, 2021

Crackin' cabbages

fart, lettin' er rip, breaking wind, falttulence,

I told you that you ate too much roasted garlic, and now you'll be crackin' cabbages all night!

by mirmon March 21, 2019

Cabbage Veins

The varicose veins seen in an elderly women's legs but on the vagina. Looks like the stems on a cabbage.

Her pushy was nasty, it just looks rugged, Cabbage Veins and old cheese smell. Very popular in a bingo hall.

by Greg from The Committee January 21, 2022