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A man with the hugest fucking cock ever

Girl: i got dicked down by casey yesterday
Girl 2: is that why your in a wheelchair

by aylasmallishbutnotlittledick June 28, 2018


best clash royale clan leader, owner of step bros clan

yo did you see casey walking down the halls? he gets no bitches

by stepbrosclanleader6969 May 5, 2022


most amazing person ever casey is such a beautiful perfect person and is the best perosn everrrr!!!!

omg is that casey she is soooo amazing!!

by hdhsjans July 18, 2021


This is for a Casey who is female. Caseys are a handful, a headache, and really complicated. But once they let you in, and once you get to really know the true them, they are the most beautiful people inside. They will do anything and will sacrifice anything for someone they love. If you betray their trust, or if you hurt them, they are gone and will never be the same to you again. Caseys are smarter than their own good. Almost too smart. They are also beautiful and have unique features, especially eyes. They have quirky personalities and are very funny. It's easy, don't hurt them, treat them like Queens, and you have a lifelong- loyal friend who will love you unconditionally.

Did you meet Casey yet?

Yeah man she's something else

by ThatsFuckingRetarded June 15, 2017


Girls with the name Casey are so sexy and beautiful and funny, and just overall perfect

My girlfriend Casey is so amazing

by Majde November 9, 2019


casey is a kind caring person with a big heart but, often is sarcastic or mean but she means it in the most loving way. She is scared of losing the people that mean the most. Although she can be caring and nice she also has a very sassy side and won’t hesitate to talk back. casey is also athletic and team player. She is very funny and uses her sassy and mean attitude to make people laugh and they love it. But when casey gets home from a day of making people laugh at school or work her emotions get the best of her and she can’t help but feel sad.

OMG she is such a casey.

by kittygirl1100 June 4, 2020


Casey is somebody that you cannot describe. She has a bubbly personality a cute smile, gorgeous eyes, perfect teeth, perfect nose, perfect everything the list could go on. Even with all her perfections come imperfect which makes Casey Casey. I need a Casey in my life cause nobody else deserves her.

Damn if ur name is Tyler A u need a Casey in your life.

by 73023 March 22, 2023