to keep someone from falling by placing a finger in their asshole in the shape of a hook and pulling.
To apply the Forbidden Jungle to an aerial opponent
She was riding me in the stand and carry position and began to slide down. I wasn't going to pull out so jungle catching her was my only option.
A game of tag played by 3 or more individuals played for the minimum duration of a month. The only rule being no tag-backs
Catch for life has no rules and can be played anywhere.e.g Cian,Ivor,Andrew,Sophie,Eliza and Ava have been playing the same game of tag for way too long.
A Witch Catch is the culmination of a successful Witch Hunt.
It appears that Mueller's Witch Hunt, currently with over 32 indictments and or convictions, has turned into a successful Witch Catch.
Person 1: "Did you hear about Person 2?"
Person 3: "No, what happened?"
Person 1: "He caught lead last week."
Person 1: "Catch."
Person 2: "Catch what?"
Person 1: "Catch these hands!"
Person 2: "Catch lead!"
Opposite of 'low hanging fruit' in management speak, intentionally dealing with the difficult/awkward stuff first
I've been busy catching pineapples all day Jon!
A technique used by elementary school teachers to keep children quiet. If the children pretend to "catch a bubble" in their mouths by puffing their cheeks out, they will be quiet from not speaking.
Okay kids, we're walking to the lunchroom, time to Catch a Bubble! Let's see who can make it all the way there!
2👍 2👎
A disease with a diagnostic criteria so vast that it consumes and absorbs all the other diseases. Short for “catch all diagnosis.”
Person 1: “Idk man, I was just sitting in class then my heart started beating real fast and I fainted.”
Person 2: “did you see a doctor?”
Person 1: “yeah they said it’s anxiety and that fainting was recently added to the symptoms in the DSM.”
Person 2: “whatever anxiety is a catch all anyway.”
(It was stage 5 cancer)