Source Code

A box of chocolates

sending someone who has wronged you a 'Whitman's Sampler' after having replaced the sweet treats with pooh.

I sent the ex 'a box of chocolates' for Valentines Day.

by what&where January 31, 2010

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chocolate sausage

(n.) what happens when some one (or some thing) defecates inside a condom then ties in off like a sausage.

(Can also be inserted into the vaginal opening, or anus.)

Dude I just gave me girl friend a giant chocolate sausage.

by CHEW KOKARUNI May 21, 2011

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Chocolate Riser

A co worker or friend that constantly makes shit up about themselves. The kind of shit you know he's lying about and he shows that he's lying, but will protest that it's truth.

Also known as a Cocoa Ascender.

Guy#1: Hey man you know i'm the grandson of an Apache chief?
Guy#2: Bull shit man, you're the whitest dude i know.
Guy#1: No bro, for real his name was Chief David.
Guy#2 Fuck you dude. You're such a chocolate riser.

by JayTeeEs January 31, 2012

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Chocolate pocket

When you decide to save a delicious piece of chocolate for later so you put it in your pocket, only to later realize said piece of chocolate melted and left your pocket a chocolate-y mess.

Aw man, my Reese's Cup melted and now I have chocolate pocket.

by Kzelly September 11, 2010

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Chocolate Rain

History quickly crashing through your veins.

CHOCOLATE RAIN **I move away from the microphone to breathe

by Cynikul August 1, 2007

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chocolate and vanilla

(Not to be confused with plain vanilla, though also derived from flavours of ice cream.) Sex between so-called "black" and "white" people. May also be used for a threesome or group sex where at least one of those participating has sex with "black" and "white" alike.

A: I hear Tracy got bored with the same old plain vanilla with Chris.
B: Yeah, chocolate and vanilla is much more her thing, when she can get it.
C: (listening in, confused) Yeah? That's funny .... I didn't think Tracy even LIKED ice cream!

by kofi June 30, 2003

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Hot Chocolate

One sexy hot brown-skinned girl thats a dime piece.

Thats one hot chocolate!

by Sexy March 3, 2004

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