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My question is: Why even bother hiding the comment? Like, did you really think I wouldn't see it or did you think deleting it makes it better instead of worse? Like, "he might have seen it but if I delete he'll just pretend he didn't see the comment"

Hym "See, when you make a comment like that you've have to have so much hubris inside of you. You really do. You really have to think that I will question my sanity in response to you doing the thing I said you were doing in front of my very eyes and then pretend you didn't. Not even for a second. 'If only you would behave better we would let you out of the cage! If only you would listen to us and be a fucking slave you would be fine! If you just do what I tell you to what we're doing to you won't matter.' You all started this. You started it. I've given you plenty of time to see the error of your ways. I told you exactly how this was going to work. And you just don't want to believe. How many times to I have to be proven right? I've proven fully and completely that you just don't care. Why even bother? Why sit there and pretend? Even better then getting out of the cage would be freeing all of you from yours. Just admit. 'I don't care because it wasn't me. I don't care but I just can't say it because I'll end up like Hym. I pretend to care so the schizophrenic horde will leave me alone and give me their money. When I see the horrors of the world imposed on others I'm filled with schadenfreude. Just like Hym. Thank my twisted God that it wasn't me and move on.' You're all pathetic. Look at this shit. What kind of God would make you like this? You're made in HIS imagine. And this is what you're like. GoLliE that's definitely something I would pray to!"

by Hym Iam June 1, 2022


You know I've already addressed that.

Hym "YOU KNOW and I KNOW... That I would not read a SINGLE MOTHERFUCKING COMMENT if you could comment on this. NOT A SINGLE ONE, EVER! I would leave them on just to make you feel better. Just being you idiots all need to FEEL IMPORTANT but I would never actually taint my own psyche by filling my head with inferior thoughts by reading your comments. You want to comment on some shit go to YouTube. Where are you right now, bitch? Is this YouTube? No! You're not ON YouTube right now. And do you know WHY you're not on YouTube right now? BECAUSE I'M NOT ON YOUTUBE MOTHERFUCKER!"

by Hym Iam August 14, 2023


a piece of text placed within a program to help other users to understand it, which the computer ignores when running the program.

The programmer added a comment // This line sorts the data alphabetically to explain the code's function, which the computer ignores when running the program.

by Arminkshipper July 19, 2024


place a piece of specially tagged explanatory text within (a program) to assist other users.

"the only way to solve the problem is to code for the hardware directly—just make sure that it's clearly commented"

by Arminkshipper July 19, 2024


a written explanation or commentary.

The professor's lecture was insightful, but the students found the most value in her written comments that provided a deeper explanation of the complex concepts.

by Arminkshipper July 19, 2024


A person who by determination of social networks is privy to the fact you believe in GOD AND JESUS CHRIST they themselves are atheistic and make an off color spite based comment.

CHARLES THOMAS MUNGER formerly THE TOP EXECUTIVE in BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY says" "social status does not exist " in a YOU TUBE based video interview.

As knowing the fact this individual is suffering from gross indigency , a person leaving a restaurant who is well taken care of makes the most predictable PHONY RELIGIOUS FAITHLESD COMMENT , " PRAY " and that individual being ANAL ALAN answer , " PRAY only exists , if you you self are generous as did it matter a PREY MENACE saved your LIFE in a natural disaster or would you have rather died knowing that fact they were that themselves that kind of low LIFE humanity.

All these ZOMBIE ASSHOLES are running around making PHONY RELIGIOUS FAITHLESS COMMENTS to supposed , " people who in their humble opinion are low life's I SCUM for their human transgressions.

by NOBLE PEACE SUNDER EEE December 18, 2021

comment hero

A random dick bag that tries to sound like a genius in comment sections, but clearly knows nothing about the subject. Similar to an armchair quarterback.

My latest YouTube video has a comment hero, trying to stir up some shit.

by El Wappo. May 22, 2020