Source Code

Mod Controller

A special controller for the PS3. Mod controllers use a special mechanical flaw, where when you pull the trigger, the button presses two levers that shoot the weapon you are holding three times as fast. This type of controller is usually used in first person shooters like Black Ops.

You do you have a mod controller for your PS3

by MW2 Freak January 15, 2011

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Quality Control

Controlling the quality that goes into a product so that it wears out faster, causing consumers to have to replace it. syn. planned obsolescence

American automobile manufacturers practice better quality control than the Japanese.

by L-Bound December 6, 2003

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[friend control]

an awesome friend in your life to point out the fucking losers in your life that are clingy, needy people who have nothing better to do than to try and mimic everything that all of their other friends are doing!

friend 1: "i am going to play "forever and ever" at my wedding when i walk down the aile"
crazy friend: "i am soooo going to play "forever and ever" at my wedding too!"
friend control aka normal person: "omg, she is copying everything u do! you GOTTA lose this loser!"

by boogirl January 19, 2009

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Birth Control

A term used to describe something/someone ugly. Can be used to describe a person's face, clothes, or personality.

Jack: Wow, her clothes are major birth control.

Jerry: Yeah so is her face.

by Jennaftw November 21, 2009

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Quality Control

A method whereby the Urban Dictionary gets cleaned up, otherwise it would get filled with "Flubby Wubby is gay", incitement to racial hatred, and juvenile verbal diarrhoea.

At a job interview at the local biscuit factory for Quality Controller.
Interviewer: "so, what do you do in your spare time?"
Candidate: "Oh surf the net, and visit Urban Dictionary."
Interviwer: "Really? I do that too! Do you Quality Control there?"
Candidate: "Yes, I clean off all that juvenile jibber-jabber."
Interviewer: "Welcome to the Biscuit Factory! You have just got the job!"

I defined a word, then did some quality
Everytime the Quality Controller define a word, I deleted 10 defintions, then clicked on 5 removes.

by Kerb December 1, 2004

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birth control

1.) The most horrific thing you could ever find out that your girlfriend was on before you met her if she is your first bareback. The single handed most mentally destructive piece of information a man could ever permanantly burden himself with.

2.) The biggest cause of retroactive jealousy and primal rage known in existence.

Me : Dude my gf told me she was on birth control with her last two extremely long term bfs before I met her, now my mind is plagued with thoughts of semen gushing out of her snatch every time I get near it.

Bystander : dump that cum dumpster?

by poortourcheredsoul October 6, 2010

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Rent Control

An awesome apartment made affordable thanks to support from your parents.

Jack: How are you affording this huge place downtown--aren't you still working as a barista?
Jill: Rent control!

by clevercal August 22, 2011

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