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Creep Salad

A total creeper. Someone who acts creepily toward you.

"Ew, he followed me! Creep salad."
"That creep salad is annoying me."

by shaniawesome February 11, 2009

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creep jacked

When an unwelcome and unwanted creeper inserts themselves in your group or conversation.

I was just sitting with my friend and this weird guy creep jacked us and told us his life story.

by evarney713 September 20, 2015

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creep neck

The physical pain that comes with sitting at your computer creeping on Facebook for too long, mainly effecting ones neck, shoulders and back.

I got the worst creep neck last night after my five hour Facebook creeping session.

I couldn't peel myself away from my computer screen during that Facebook fight, now i have total creep neck.

by metdizzle February 7, 2009

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corner creep

The act of creeping in a corner in a online multiplayer game, as most seen in Team Fortress 2 and other FPS. Creeping is not camping. Creeping is a way of life.

Guy 1 "Why are you such a f**king camper?!"
Guy 2 "I'm not camper! I'm a corner creep!"

by LELISALL July 2, 2014

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Creep Queen

A very creepy girl. Usually one that will strike up a conversation and you already get the creep vibe. Also could be a girl that is a very super lurker!

Chris: Hey man! Look at that girl! What a creeper!

Random man: She is lurkinn worst than me!

Chris: She is pretty cute though, should I chance it?!
Randon man: Idunno.. Looks like a stage 5 creeper to me. Super Creep Queen!

by Cancerkidd January 22, 2010

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Davis-Creep(verb): To start dancing with a girl from behind out of nowhere

"Dude, you tried to Davis-Creep that girl and she totally smacked you in the face!"

by Jonny Dough April 7, 2008

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feature creep

Delay extending the release date of a product due to the manufacturers wanting to add 'new and improved' functions to the product
Feature creap can prolong a release date with infinate delay. see Vaporware

Duke Nukem Forever was a victim of feature creep and is now Vaporware

by Kommando July 9, 2004

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