Jar Jar binks : Disa poo poo doo doo
The left over speckles in the toilet after an explosive shit. These do not flush easily and cover the inside of the bowl like freckles on a sun kissed face.
That guy just blew up the toilet and left some serious doo doo freckles behind.
You can relate doo doo stank to LLL
she smells like doo doo stank.
a word only young idiots say to you when their frustrated. Annoying!
Your songs are doo doo!
Doo doo is an expressive noun that means " horrible ". You will hear it used commonly among teenage boys.
Aw come on!!! That noob skin shot me with an smg once and I shot him with a LEGENDARY SCAR and still died. Man..fortnite is some "doo doo".