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Monster energy drink

Monster energy drink is an energy drink with 140mg to 160mg+ of Caffeine and B Vitamins. Monster used to cost $2.00 dollars. Then it went up to $2.50. Now it's anywhere from $2.75 to $3.00+. Stupid inflation! Like even Venom energy drink went from $1.00 to $1.25. Buy Gold, Silver, Gallium, Indium, Tin, Galinstan, Bismuth, Copper, and even Aluminum foil if you want to make Aluminum Galinstan amalgam. The value of metals are going up.

Tony: This Monster energy drink is great!

*Drinks Monster while casterboarding (riding a casterboard).

by HawaiianPunch1 September 10, 2023

big dick energy

Big Dick Energy, or BDE, is that confidence you got knowing you got an enormous penis, but BDE isn't exclusive to the well-endowed. Anyone can have big dick energy if he (or she!) exudes the BDE aura.

The phrase originates from the since-deleted tweet by singer Ariana Grande, mentioning that her fiancΓ© Pete Davidson has a 10-inch long penis.

Pete Davidson got that big dick energy.

by bumbleben0 June 27, 2018

660πŸ‘ 174πŸ‘Ž

energy drink

A foul-tasting concoction of questionable contents advertised to increase your "energy". While it is sold in health food stores and gyms sometimes, the real target demographic are obese gamers, who drink energy drinks to become even louder and more annoying.

Without energy drinks: At, 15% he goes into phase three, lust then.

With energy drinks: DUH! LUST AT PHASE 3 NOOBS! UHH! BILLY MAYS!!!!!


by Downvoting Victim January 6, 2014

23πŸ‘ 200πŸ‘Ž

Tight Vagina Energy

The female version of BDE. When a woman is fully secure with herself and does not need external validation e.g. thirsty comments on her IG, filters, money, etc... to know her value.

She doesn’t need you bro because she has tight vagina energy.

by donjuanegro September 4, 2018

30πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


The essence of being an immodest,insensitive, asshole, opposite of β€œbig-dick-energy”.

Nick emits heavy little-dick-energy when he wears sperry’s and a vineyard vines shirt while talking about his lake house.

by Thewickedskeezer June 28, 2018

51πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Small Dick Energy

Small Dick Energy is cockiness without skill. It is the sexual equivilent of writing a check of $10k to show off knowing you don't have it in the bank account.

Rice Gum's brags about his genital length but it actually 5.3cms long. Its small dick energy corrupts all it touches. So only tissues, his hands and his friends biscuits.

by Armie Hammer July 11, 2018

460πŸ‘ 132πŸ‘Ž

Big Dick Energy

Also known as fat dick spirit

My mom forgot how to say big dick energy so she said fat dick spirit

by Thot_Slayer_3624 January 8, 2019

204πŸ‘ 53πŸ‘Ž