Source Code

Fast-Forward Movie

A b-movie rented for the sole purpose of fast-forwarding through to, to get to the good parts. (i.e. The scenes with tits).

Hey, I just rented a fast-forward movie. I think it's called "Dark Harvest 3." According to the MPAA rating on the back, this movie has "gratuitous nudity."

by NUTCRUNCHER April 8, 2010

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Fast Forward Time

The total amount of minutes accumulated when starting a show on a DVR after it has already started to air live. Used generally to fast forward all the horrible commercials and horrible ads no one wants to see.

For an NBA game, you typically need at least 45 minutes of recorded show before you can hit "play" (depending on the speed you fast forward) to be able to skip all the commercials and halftime.

Friend 1: Hey, can we start the Cavs basketball game already?!?!

Friend 2: No! We only have 27 minutes of fast forward time, and I don't feel like seeing that annoying McDonald's singing fillet-o-fish commercial again!

Buddy 1: While we were gone, the football game has been recording for almost 2 hours!

Buddy 2: Awesome! We got some MAD fast forward time yo!

by Cptn Obvious April 16, 2009

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Australian Fast Bowler

Someone who bowls a yorker on the Australian cricket team. Also saves many lives.

"Look! It's the Australian Fast Bowler!"

by B.Lee April 5, 2003

114πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Fast food init

'Fast food init' is a term used by mainly men in the UK to describe the food being eaten at the time. Often used by teenagers who have low self esteem and poor self-confidence.

"what you got there mate?"

"fast food init"

by Knowledge Communicator March 14, 2010

20πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

play fast and loose

to behave recklessly, irresponsibly, or deceitfully toward someone or something, such as acting in a manner that contradicts conventions or guidelines

Wow! He sure does play fast and loose with money.

by The Return of Light Joker November 16, 2009

49πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Fast Food Terrorism

The act of visiting a busy fast food outlet, consuming a large quantity of the outlet’s food, waiting at least half and hour for digestion to begin and then stimulating projectile vomiting via physical or chemical means, in full view of patrons (preferably children). The act is considered even more dramatic when the β€˜terrorist’ perpetrates this from outside the venue onto a glass window, thereby ensuring a maximum number of patrons witness the presentation some of the menu items in unconventional form. It also gives the β€˜terrorist’ the opportunity to escape.

Fight the corporate fast food companies killing you slowly. Show the uneducated what they are really eating. Fast Food Terrorism.

by MacDingle February 18, 2009

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Fast Food Restaurant

Any restaurant where you can see mexicans cooking on a grill right behind the cash register, and fat people purchasing incredibly unhealthy food, but getting diet soda because they are in fact on a "diet"

I went to a fast food restaurant and saw the mexican on the grill scratch his balls and then touch my fries

by Dunski23 April 11, 2009

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž