The portion of a webpage that peeks from below indicating there is content right beneath the fold. Fold peeks are useful to encourage users to scroll in order to reveal the next section.
Researcher: Users couldn't find the information. It was below the fold.
Designer: What should we do? We cannot put everything above the fold!
Researcher: Just add a fold peek.
A slice of bread added with spread, then folded in half and eaten.
A: What did you have for breakfast?
B: Just a bread fold with nutella.
A quickie on the side of a road or country lane, often involving a car bonnet.
“She was horny as fuck, so we had a laneside fold on the way home!”
Person 343: What The Fuck Is Fold: The First Juvenile Release (Folding); The First Juvenile Release《¤》.
Prostitution or the act of prostituting oneself for money.
She would fold the laundry to support her crack habit.
When someone has been bent over be another individual in a sexual and very aggressive manner.
He got folded by Fold'Em Freeds and has reached a new level of being folded not many have reached.
When a Native American man attempts to fold someone but ended up being folded himself.
When someone get dropped in a fight and falls like someone folding a piece of paper