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a dumbass, someone who has no idea whats happening

F for effort you fucktard!

by DrAcCoNuM February 14, 2005

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A fucking retard. Most likely originated from the internet series R ed vs Blue.

Quit teamkilling you fucktard!

by A crazy mofizzle April 25, 2005

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(noun); A child born retarded due to incestuos mateship.

that guy out of radiohead, looks like a fucktard.

by Kayno McGrano October 26, 2004

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Shorter form of Fucking Bastard

Fucking + Bastard = Fucktard

A person who is extremely stupid and hated.

You are nothing but a Fucking Bastard.

I hate you, fucktard.

by Angel Of Kaos October 13, 2005

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Like a fucker, only slow on Bourbon.

What the dilly-ho, that man was a fucktard when he bent my wife over. I say, ole chap that man was fucking fucktarded!

by SUH-WEE SUH-WEE March 8, 2003

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A person who is not only a arsehole but also a complete know it all wanker and to top it off a cunt.

Paul, look at what your habits have led to, you smartased know it all fucktard.

by Razzo January 7, 2007

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Someone being a fucking retard.

"Billy is being a complete fucktard for dumping that hott chick"

by Hunter S. January 7, 2007

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