"Goal setter" refers to someone who defines their goals and takes determined steps to achieve them, but I don't do this in an ordinary way; like a master of a dark world, I am ready to overcome every obstacle to make my dreams come true. My goals are a challenge to those who try to stop me. As I define them, the spark of power and determination ignites within me.
Benjamin is a true goal setter who stands firm in his opinions. He makes great efforts to eliminate all mistakes before forming an idea, which makes him unshakeable.
A handsome face that a pretty woman would want to IVF with
Howard Kevin Stern is IVF goals
When a couple mimics the behavior of sharks with each other. Examples can be at the end of a long day when they are sleepy and play the sleep shark. Where when they want to surprise someone and play the surprise shark.
Look at them, that's shark couple goals
When a couple mimics the behavior of sharks with each other. For example, at the end of a long day when they are sleepy and play the sleepy shark. Or when they want to surprise the other one, and play the surprise shark.
Look at them, shark couple goals
Someone older than you, living their best life unashamedly.
Did you see Nanna Maureen? She was so drunk at the wedding that her and Doris popped out and went to the hotel gym to have a play on the rowing machine!
That woman is my Goal Model!
when a person with a dick stands 5+ feet away from the urinal and tried to shoot their piss into it
person #1: damn, the bathroom is closed for cleaning, any idea why?
person #2: oh yea some dude tried field-goaling, major fail
A soccer term describing one of three events:
1. A team scores a goal it doesn't deserve.
2. A team scores a goal in the literal last minute of the game.
3. A team scores a goal and has it disqualified for absolutely no reason.
Can also be used to describe achievements outside of soccer. Based on the USA team's 2010 World Cup performance.
Ghana could not score the American goal with a penalty kick during overtime, and lost the match to Uruguay in the penalty shoot out.
Bill: That new supervisor is an idiot. How'd he get this job?
Ted: He's the boss's son.
Bill: Way to score an American goal.