Is that what they are doing to me at work Patrick?
Hym "Using Vietnam war government gaslighting to silence a dissident and try to convince me to... What? Murder children? Not murder children? Who ARE these fucking psychologist working for you? You know that shit isn't going to get me to think differently, right? Let me ask you something: do you understand the difference between overt and covert? It's not going to make me surrender. I'm not going to stop. If you wanted me to stop or surrender the money would be in a bank account that I and I alone have access to and I would have already sent that money on antibiotics assuming that what you are doing doesn't obstruct my ability to receive care. Which I don't. I don't assume that. I haven't spent any money. And I would be getting for my contributions. Which means when I watch Rick and Morty, MY NAME scrolls across the screen when the credits roll. When people talk about AI MY NAME would be brought up in relationship why I works now when it didn't before. Those 2 things are THE ONLY things that will end this. And it's hard to call that surrender."
A type of music that glorifies the government
Cody was listening to his favourite Government Wave artist
1. You don't give a fuck about government resources
2. This is a legitimate violation of my rights and is wrong for the same reason that red flag laws are unconstitutional and that surveillance states are wrong (For the cuckservatives) and for the reasons that your micro-aggressions and your misgendering is wrong.
Hym "Wasting government resources would be dumping them into a human trash-can instead of the literal creator of A.I. But you don't even think I should have rights! You want you to have the rights and then you want to lord over everyone like the greedy, filthy shit-lib you are. Dumb and bad! Bad and dumb!"
Paying vulnerable sector persons a 1800 era wage on odsp
This government administration gave me 27 months to live.
A term smoking weed or crack
Do you see that guy over there?
Yea hes been smoking governer.
постановление правительства
The Prime Minister yesterday attacked the Government's record on unemployment, claiming that things were better during the 13 years of Conservative rule.
(Премьер-министр вчера раскритиковал постановление правительства касательно безработицы, утверждая, что дела обстояли лучше в течение 13 лет консервативного правления.)