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Drilling Guts

Another street word for vaginal penetration. Usually stated to indicate a man went deep, hard, or rough during intercourse for an extended amount of time.

“ Yo, I drilled that bitches guts out last night. Your boy be drilling guts.”

by NDemGuts February 24, 2021

Gut Angel

A variation on the Cleveland Steamer, in which you defecate on your partners stomach, and afterwards toilet paper is used to give the turd the appearance of wings.

My partner asked me for a Cleveland Steamer, but being a good church going individual, I compromised with a gut angel instead.

by Loving Brian August 9, 2012

carrot guts

A person who is so strictly vegetarian/vegan that they refuse to spend time with friends or family.

Person A: Why isn't Jenny coming out with us?
Person B: Apparently we're too "meaty" for her liking. Must be her carrot guts.

by EveRtBest December 7, 2010

Gutting a Fish

To finger or have sex with a woman

Im gutting a fish tonight.

by Gordon J Ramsay July 15, 2019

muk in the gut

When a guy shits into a girls fanny and then fucks her so the shit is pushed up into her gut

Last night that girl got muk in the gut

by Judgegaming December 12, 2019

Wine Gut

When someone be drinking wine on the daily

“Damn Tina has such a wine gut, better hold off on the sweet red”

by That guy Mr. boi October 28, 2019



-noun Australian:- (subjective)

The part of your stomach that feels physical pleasure after a particularly satisfying meal.

simon and - "gee that curry hit the spot...":

matt - "yeah, that stroked the ol' gut-knackers..."

ricky "oooh, yeah i reckon... it huuurts sooo goood"

by MadKnackers April 24, 2009