Source Code

Dream Hangover

A condition in which one is upset/disappointed due to them previously waking from a particularly satisfying dream which they deem to be reality, only to wake up to the harsh reality of the real world.

Person 1: What's got Joseph down today?
Person 2: Aaah, I think he is suffering from a severe case of Dream Hangover.

by Borgo December 22, 2013

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A hangover so severe it continues into following day.

"I think I'm still hungover from Friday."

"Jesus... You have a hang-hangover?"

"Your words describe precisely that which I intended to express."

by Blackmailman February 25, 2010

33๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Halloween Hangover

The act of being sick from eating too much candy.

Nahh I can't go out tonight guys, I have a halloween hangover.

by pRad November 7, 2007

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Ponytail Hangover

The ache caused by wearing a ponytail for long periods of time.

I had massive ponytail hangover after I took my hair out of the ponytail I had it in all day.

by jenny was a friend of mine April 3, 2011

10๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hangover Hots

setting the scene;
Your drunk on a night out, you meet a girl, you go back to hers/yours and have drunk sex.
Now it's the morning, you wake up with an almightly hangover and whoever you've pulled.
No-matter if shes the hottest girl you've ever seen or the worse you've ever seen you will still have (or at least try to have) sex...because you have 'the hangover hots'

friend 1: yeah i took her back to mine and we had sex, then again in the mornin

friend 2: was she hot?
friend 1: not really

Friend 2: well why did you go again in the morning then?
Friend 1: Had the old Hangover Hots
Friend 2: Textbook

by wallsawalls June 10, 2009

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zook hangover

what people get after partying with zook for three weeks...much worse than a normal hangover

he left last week but i am still suffering from a zook hangover

by zoook September 18, 2007

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Dorito hangover

When one endulges one large 20% extra free bag of doritos du to a severe case of the munchies after a Sunday evening marijuana blunt resulting in a severe stomach ach upon waking the next morning. And in some cases sudden death.

Oh shit, i had the craziest Dorito hangover this morning then i died.

by SHAKEzullaaa October 8, 2009

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