A pretty good show on Cartoon Network with an interesting sense of style, colorful animation, and unusual, often absurd comedic situations. The show often utilizes morphing scene transitions, sentences spoken in Japanese language, and loud background music that comes from the titular band. Yes, the three main characters: Ami, Yumi and the band manager Caz are all based on real people. One of it's problems is that the secondary characters sometimes share a similar look, use the same wierd gestures, and some are just too one dimensional, grotesque, and unmemorable. Some people feel that the animation is derivative to Japanese anime, while making a mockery of the style. This is disputable, as the show's style is built upon Japanese culture, but it's drawn entirely in an American studio that uses it's own animation style.
"I kinda think Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi is good. It's genuinely original, playful and wacky, and I just love the main characters. It sure has flaws, but I can forgive them as they don't annoy me too much. I'm not a critic, I'm just having fun, and some of the maverick animation in this is stimulating, while the comedy is often so ridiculous you just have to laught and enjoy it."
92๐ 35๐
A phrase used by the dwarfs in Snow White for certain secret purposes only.
(Snow White walks into the room)" Hi Ho!" says the smart one.
16๐ 5๐
thing to say with your side chick makes u nice meal
Woman: "Ayo i made you some food"
Guy named fred for example: "hi hi hi hi hi arghh hiiiii ahhh thank u your so hot"
2๐ 7๐
When a fucking person greet you, idiot.
Hello and Hi are the same thing by the way, if you are that fucking a idiot.
Hi, biiiitch.
Happy birthday, biiitch. Also hi.
1๐ 4๐
Hi person voting for definitions, do me a favor and press the "Add it!" button would be nice to press for me
The person reading my word Hi there is goated and should press Add it.
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