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The traditional yarmulke skullcap worn by orthodox Jewish males (specifically in the age range of teens to thirties) which are accidentally (or accidentally on purpose)worn at such a rakish angle that it almost looks hip.

Pete: Did you invite Benny to the dinner?

Joe: Yeah, I caught up with him before he left for synagogue. I had to check him in his new hip-homulke though.

by Raive August 4, 2008

Butter hips

A guy who has resigned himself to a diet of Mountain Dew and Doritos, resulting in large, jiggly, feminine hips.

Bruh, did you see that neck beard? Guy definitely has some butter hips...

Yeah he get it from his mama...

by Turbosquat November 26, 2019

Hip with the youngsters

Hip with the youngsters is a thing you say when you’re 60 years old and want to be “hip with
The youngsters”

Look bob! I’m hip with the youngsters. I’m super cool! I know what to do

by Joe hobetski September 22, 2018

hip to the jive

a declaration of just how current and in-the-know one is.

wow! ordering food from a tablet? so hip to the jive.

by adelaidec123 August 18, 2022

hip on the ship

The maritime version of "good in the hood". While asking someone onboard a ship, "All good in the hood?" would be understood, the word "hood" might be seen in some circles as mildly racist. Thus, the invention of "hip on the ship". Enjoy.

Bosun: "Good morning, Captain Michelle! All hip on the ship?"
Captain: "Yes, things are going very well."

by MikeinVA August 20, 2020

party hips

the worst fortnite emote

1:Yo, what's your favorite emote?

2: PARTY HIPS!!!!!!1!!

1: we simply shouldn't be friends anymore.

by urmomgaeasf June 10, 2022

Berthing hips

When a fat ass breaks his chair and blames it on his wife

So there we were camping and tim pulled the old berthing hips again

by Dolceglr32 October 19, 2019