A young couple who were destined to be together. The Ivan is the shy awkward boy who took the initiative to speak to the Aylin, a very beautiful young lady that has all the qualities a man wants. The Ivan gets crazy with Aylin and the Aylin gets crazy with the Ivan. There soulmates...the Ivan and Aylin
Karen: You two are such a cute couple! You found your Ivan and you found your Aylin!
Jackie: I want to be in a relationship like an Ivan and Aylin!
If it doesn’t affect you day to day life , it doesn’t matter
That’s such an Ivan’s razor
A Mexican. But not a regular Mexican. a Blacxican that can say the N word and throw up gang signs. He'll clain he has black friends but really they're just with him cause his mom be giving that river up easily. His real friends are his family, and he also has a country friend that looks like a fuckin walking skeleton with diabetes. He likes what ever makes him popular, in the real world... We know... thats not important, his moms legs are.
Ivan Montalvo:A well cooked creature with an actual brain.
Ivan Pernar is the best personality in the history of Croatian politics. With his 'ANTI-SENF' group, he contributes to Croatian society. They will soon demolish Tomislav Tomašavić's lies and destroy his life. As the mayor of Zagreb, Pernar will be more decisive towards the citizens of Zagreb and will not spread lies to the people. Is that Ivan Pernar, he is the best
Is that Ivan Pernar, he is the best.
a girl that is always the joke in the group. When she is the joke, she doesn't know that she is one which makes it even funnier
omg are u being a Felicia Ivane
Someone whos likes men and enjoys having sexual intercourse with another man thats under age. A fagot child predator
Young boy- hey old man
Ivan Mendoza- come get some candy
Every Day of the year, 24/7 365
Yo, Did you hear its National Kiss Ivan Day???