Being similar to or in a form of a crusade
The attack against the furfags was very crusade-like
half-like: noun: 1) a person you like enough to date or have a fling with, but only in the absence of any better prospects
2) Someone you're somewhat attracted to physically , but find a bit annoying and therefore lack in long term dating potential
3) someone who you date out of boredom
4) someone with whom you would rather have a fling with than masturbate
I’m going to ask this tinder girl to Netflix and chill tonight. She’s ok I guess, only a half-like.
"Liking" a status or photo on Facebook because you're attracted to the person who posted it.
82 notifications all from Samantha? LOL, she's thirst liking all over the place.
To do something in a boss-like fashion, but better--with the cold-hearted determination of a half ginger, the brilliance of a thousand suns, and the finesse of a unicorn.
Symptoms include being a total lightweight, gingerness, toothpick legs, and an unfair height advantage.
"I just conquered all of Calculus in a mere five minutes."
"After getting drunk at Sprecher's, I serenaded my bff with Lean on Me in a bathroom stall."
5👍 1👎
I went on the pill so he wouldn’t have to use a condom. I like it raw
A godly game with very satisfying music and deep meaningful story. It is also a good excuse to drive your friends nuts while playing it on max volume.
A: You wanna like a Dino?
B: Yeeeeee
liking a person post on facebook not really because you like it but rather as an act of courtesy toward them or their facebook page
Poor Jane, nobody responded to her facebook trip post for over a week so I felt I had to mercy like it!