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Ho-thority (alternate spellings: Hothority, h0th0r1ty, etc.) n.

1) The power that a woman posseses in regards to her control over her man.
2) The authority that comes with being a ho.


a) I'm going to bust out my ho-thority on your ass.
b) My ho-thority is not to be messed with.
c) Respect my ho-thority.

Of course, this could also be used as an adverb, adjective, verb, and pretty much anything else. Examples:

She just ho-thoritied his ass.
She ho-thoritively kicked his nuts in.
His ho-thorititative wife made him a pussy.

by Zvidun March 22, 2004

ho pad

Apartment, condo or home in which a ho resides.

Corey moved out of the sorority house to live in her own ho pad.

by j wlo October 27, 2008

17👍 1👎


A term used by the most upscale hookers of America.

To be a very good Ho, Call-Girl, or Escort.

The term used by "Kristen" AKA Ashley Alexandra Dupre, a Call Girl from New Yorks Emperors Club, to describe herself and her behavior in a recent interview.

Mack: Hey Mercedes, aren't you a little worried about your job as an escort?

Mercedes: No. Not really. I know what I'm doing. I'm a Ho-Fessional.

by Eddie Domingez March 19, 2008

30👍 3👎

ho cannon

A weapon used to gun down hos. Metaphoric hos, not actually women.

It appears that Steve here was sent to his maker by a ho cannon

by AJ from The Crest May 3, 2007

30👍 3👎


1:Incredibly enthusiastic, zealous and dedicated
Use of Mandarin expression g¨­ngh¨¦ (to work together) or g¨­ngy¨¨h¨¦zu¨°sh¨¨, the Chinese Industrial Cooperative Society. Originally used during WWII by US Marines Lt.Col. Evans F. Carlson to describe the enthusiasm and dedication of the Chinese soldiers and to encourage his batallion (Second Raider Batallion) to have the same attitude towards their wartime duties.

2:Used to describe someone who is overly enthusiastic on the topic of war

1: Joe is gung-ho about legalising marajuana in his country.

2: George W. Bush is GUNG-HO in his attitudes toward the Iraq war

by Gung-Ho Aviator July 11, 2006

182👍 32👎

Dafa Ho

Means to,
1.Get lost
2.Get the hell outta here.

Urdu word used by desi ppl belonging to pakistan and india. Usually used in retalliation when someone says something lame, offending, hurtful, or just plain bogus.

Ali: Hey are you coming with me to the mall?

Imran: No dude I gotta study for my test coming up next month!

Ali: Dafa ho!

by Dextroutious March 16, 2011

58👍 8👎

ho check

often called out for assurance of your bitches being present.

Pimp- "Ho check!"

by zacccccc October 26, 2007

23👍 2👎