When its time to go have a smoke
Hey hoge its motha fuckin boge o'clock
Fuck ye jim
That time of day, or morning where your cat gives no s***s what your doing, even if you are sleeping at 6am, and start doing everything in its power to get you to feed it.
The only alarm that has no snooze button
Having a pleasant dream in the early hours of the morning.
Cat *starts purring in my face because it's hungry*
Me: checks time (5:35am) "piss off its not feed me o'clock yet" *pushes cat away, rolls over and tries to fall asleep*
Cat: "I don't care what time it is and if your sleepy, I'm awake and I'm hungry so get up hooman"
a supremely upsetting time to be waking up. it might be really early in the morning, or anytime that makes you want to scream if you have to wake up then.
I had to get up at scream o'clock today to make my ridiculously early flight.
A phrase made by MaritDukker (a mod in Smajors chat) that signifies we're allowed to talk about food, considering we talk about it once a stream. Exclusive to the Smajor chat on twitch
"is it food o'clock yet?"
This phrase comes from someone who always has or looks like they have a five o'clock shadow on their double chin.
Used to slander someone without actually letting them know why or what about. A nickname someone might think is cool but is really disgraceful.
Bill: Hey frank, Charlie always looks like he has a five o'clock shadow on his double chin.
Frank: Lets call him Five O'Clock Dub, bet he will think its awesome!
Jack o'clock can be any time of the day whether its midnight or 4 pm it just means that it's time to jack off.
Paul: Hey Steve whats Poppin nigga, wanna hang out?
Steve: Nigga it's jack o'clock fuck off.
Paul: Sorry nigga
When you just wake up and someone wants to talk to you.
Hey, Your mother was cremated
Its fuck off o'clock, shut up.