Todd is a social butterfly. Always active and loves soccer! He loves his family and is a romantic person. He’s considerate of everyone’s feelings which makes him indecisive sometimes. He’s really smart and hardworking but can enjoy a lazy Sunday watching tv and eating a big meal. He loves the beach and in n out like a true Californian lol. He has a good sense of humor and doesn’t take things too seriously.
Todd is so fun to be around he’s so spontaneous
Can be used as an adjective or verb similar to slay.
It can be used for anything any context
"hey, you're looking really todd today"
"omg thank you so much"
"You so todded that"
For the most part, your everyday, run of the mill, normal dude. Knows everybody, is friends with most normal people, easy-going dude. Unless in a bad mood. Todd's can be tempermental, and are usually underestimated. Todd's control things from behind the scenes, hiding behind a simple name that is well known, yet somewhat rare. Todd's are good at everything, and is always slightly better than you at anything, but never hogs the limelight.
Damn, that dude is good!
Oh, yea. Todd!
You think Karen's bad? Fuck man. Just wait til you mean her flat earther husband, Todd.
The male version of a Karen
Younger male version are known as Brad
This Todd tried to return a single screw at Home Depot.
A Todd is a socially popular young male, skilled/sporty, who loves to show off. Todd will try to snatch anyones attention at every chance he gets. No matter how stupid/transparent he comes across to others, he will always think he's awesome. Yet, a Todd is still seen as cool and is somewhat admired by his peers. Whilst an individual Todd may be smart, when they are together as a group of Todds, they dial into one hive mind. There are 4 types of Todds. Typical King Todd might be captain of his sport team, boyish-atheletic attractive and slightly worshipped by his group of Todds. A King Todd isnt self-proclaimed. A Prince Todd however, is someone who tries incredibly hard to one-up King Todd. But, no matter how hard Prince Todd tries to up King Todd, he isnt able to. Prince Todd has a bigger ego than King Todd and comes across less cool/peng. After a Prince Todd, comes a Duke Todd who in certain ways has more in common with the King Todd. Duke Todds dont try as hard as a King or a Prince Todd might, but, they know that they are Todd. A Duke Todd is less ego-centric in his position then Kings and Princes. After a Duke Todd, comes Just Todds. These Todds, are still athletic/cool in some senses, but is not as attractive or outstanding as a Duke, Prince or King Todd. So, a Todd is a boy who is daring and at times silly and reckless. Todds will play dumb games/maybe ride scooters. Todds have bad music taste, but think theyre cool for listening to bad playlists. Watch out for Todds.
"See that that guy over there?"
"Yeah he is such a Todd."
Loves cats and their friends. Todd is the favourite of the friend group and has the best personality by far. They have u big brain and love maths.
Kiké: Todd I love you
SAM: shut up kiké I love Todd
Kiké: whatever man
James: jababa jequavion
Holly: *why am I here*
CAITLEN: we should go to jd
Alfie: holly you should leave i hate you DIE and I don’t love Todd I’m in love deeply with james
James: hehe 😉
Elliot: why you guys doing this😭 *wtf is going on*
Todd: guys shut the duck up I am trying to concentrate
Everyone: okay baba