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Oscar The Grouch

Oscar the Grouch, commonly remembered on Sesame Street, was a green fuzzy little man that lived in a trash can. The truth about this man is hard to comprehend.Oscar "The Grouch" Mantoothe III, was actually a pleasent young man that grew up in London, England. As a youngster he lost his Father (the II) to an outbreak of the plauge, commonly known as the "Black Death". After losing his beloved father, Mantoothe (being the only male in his family) had to work day and night from the time he was 12 to the time he was 22. Mantoothe kept working (his job was but that of a mere fisherman) until he eventullay caught a gigantic sword fish that no one had ever seen before and sold it to the highest bidder. Soon after he quit working and found a woman trying to settle down.

Part one of two, please scroll down to see continuation

by Kick ass action kung fu grippin bastard ass July 31, 2004

15👍 17👎

Oscar The Grouch

When you bang a girl doggy style over a Dumpster or Trashcan. After you pull out, ejaculate on the 'grouches' backside and then slam the lid of the dumpster or trashcan on the victims head. Usually performed on trashy sluts.

You remember that trashy whore from the bar last night?

Yeah I remember that scallywag .

Well I totally gave her the good ol' Oscar The Grouch last night.

by T_Mobile87 September 10, 2010

14👍 16👎

oscar ralls

the most amazing person alive , will always care for you and will always treat u first, oscar ralls is the most pefect person ever.if you are lucky enough to date and oscar in genral you will be the happiest person alive , having and oscar in your life will allow you to be yourself and have the best time of your life

i love oscar ralls

by ElizaOng08 June 13, 2022

5👍 5👎

oscar wigren

This is a person from stockholm sweden who loves to sleep and is the laziest snoozehead in all of sweden. Especially when playing football he loves to snooze and sleap. Samlingsnamn är sleepy joe

*boll går in i målet*

"Sleepy Joe/Oscar Wigren slår till igen"

by sleepyjoehater September 15, 2023

Trym Oscar

A Norwegian troll With a dope Youtube- channel. Lives in a papcan

Wow, that boy almost as sick as trym Oscar fam

by Kylling-W October 15, 2018


A man who is very not pog. He is not on the standard that matt and sam are on

Man that Oscar Bury is seriously not POG.

by Waterboythegreat69 June 17, 2022


This man is not on the same level as matt and sam as he is not pog

This man oscar bury is really not pog

by Waterboythegreat69 June 17, 2022