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Ground pound

A popular video game manuver, involving slamming one's ass into the floor. Also called the butt-bounce

With the thruster pack, Ratchet can do a ground pound.

by Blaster 2.5 April 30, 2006

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4 pound

Any 45acp handgun like the 1911

Ex: Bro you saw that he got hit with the 4 pound

by ynpeso December 8, 2020

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Shedding Pounds

To appear breifly at a location to greet people (props = pounds) and/or to drop off personal effects before leaving to the ACTUAL destination. May also denote illicit dealings.

"yeah, I'll be there in a bit, just gotta stop off at Jo's party and shed a few pounds"

"I'll be out later, I'm just at home shedding pounds"

by Jephrey May 27, 2006

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Sent to the pound

Euphemism for dumping someone. Especially as a result of some sort of emotional, psychological, or physical defect/annoyance that has rendered them undesirable. Similarly to what happens to pets if they exhibit physical or psychological problems that are beyond the owners liking.

dude: What happened to that hottie you've been dating for the last 3 months.

dude2: Man, she ended up being a complete psycho: She was totally sent to the pound.

dude: That sux, mang...sorry!

by TeekieT August 25, 2010

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Pounding Stock

The act of replenishing (filling) shelves in a grocery store like a beast.

Kevin: Hey Dan you know Bill from the grocery department,
he seems like a good worker.

Dan: Ya man, Bill's just fucking Pounding Stock, those shelves are always full.

by wimplewinch November 3, 2012

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Pounding Crown

Smashing/crushing pussy. Preferably, random pussy.

Yo, homeboy is ON tonight ... he'll be pounding crown in 5.

by robbiet8765 April 24, 2010

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Pound Five

When you attempt either to pound it or give someone a high five, and either your or the other person switch the handshake type, without the other person being aware.


Jim: Dude! That's Awesome! High five!
-Jim begins the high five-
-Rob puts up his fist and hits the middle of Jim's hand-

Thus, the pound five.

by The SP3CTR3 April 19, 2010

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