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A rig is someone that can ride an mtb like one serious m.f

Yooo that was sick you absolute rig

by Yewwwyourig July 1, 2019


Common term for a lad with a impeccable physique in line with the greek gods.

"that guy trouncey has a ripper rig"

by juani181 October 5, 2017


a kind, loving female that has a great outgoing personality and a 8/10 body. she would be the best girlfriend and the bestest friend you could ever ask for.

“man i really wish i had a rig by my side.”

by lamorickapeel June 26, 2019


This means Rob Is Gay.

Rob loves peen so much, that must mean RIG

by LordPoonMaster October 8, 2019


A rig is something you would call an attractive female with the whole package (e.g. Boobs, bum, pretty face)

Dam! She is a right old rig

by Realistslang July 11, 2017


Russian Independent Gang - Brings in child trafficking, sex trafficking, krokodil (cheap form of heroin that eats away at the body from the inside out), Buys off city politicians and district attorneys and destroys cities by infiltrating the police force, fbi, dea. You city will be a cesspool of drug overdoses, crime and massive destruction. GOOD LUCK. They already weaseled their way into Seattle, PDX, SFO, LAX, Austin.

RIG(S) = The "r.i.g." aka "rigs" aka "rig" have spray painted their names on every building possible throughout to city of Seattle. "Seek and Destroy" is their motto and the politicians are all bought off. "Speak No Evil, See No Evil, Hear No Evil." from the West Coast politicians and DA to the "Mother Fricking Russian Mafia." Your city shall be destroyed and filled with a cesspool of drug addicts, sex traffickers, puppy traffickers, car chop shops and graffitied and vandalized at every corner. The "RIG" destroyed another quiet neighborhood in a once beautiful city known as "The Dirty Needle" formerly known as "Seattle"

by LegalizeHeroin November 26, 2021


Everything in existence on earth is a rig( good bad neutral)

“Yoooo that girl over there is a nice rig
“This rig has gone through so much mileage”( talking bout a car)
His PC setup is a decent rig

by SolidGeorge September 12, 2018