A pair of thighs so thicc that they'd be strong enough to crush a skull
A Skull Tower is something all friend groups own, he is the typical laughing stock of the group, he is the main target of every joke , but the group still loves the Skull Tower.
Hey Skull Tower stop being a dumb shit, Skullios the 3rd is so Retarded
If you are to skull trooper some one you will fuck the living shit out of their ass
I’ll skull trooper you till you can’t walk
What cyrax does when his skull scabs get itchy OR when he pissed off.
A way to show shock, like saying, I'm dead, when reacting to something funny or just downright crazy, or lessen the importance of something while talking online. If there is nothing funny then it represents actual death.
"Bro just pulled a monkey out what *skull emoji*💀"
"That's crazy"
Savage skull is a program that turns gay men into gay pornstars. It consists of forming a jizzcicle out of cum and eating it, in some cases the Bloody Dragon is performed to add flair to the concoction. After that they are inducted into the world of gay porn and can perform all of the buggery their heart’s desire.
Mike-“Did you hear that jake is going through Savage Skull?!”
Ethan-“Yeah he is at the top of his class, with him being the only one to attempt a Bloody Dragon during the program.”