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Illinois scratch and sniff

When you have your sisters underwear in your pocket while playing basketball and you sniff it before shooting

Oh yeah I made my shot after the Illinois scratch and sniff

by Paulbyrne8 April 24, 2024

sniff sniff

When you sniff your fingers ,but make it look like you're thinking in order to smell your own ass under your fingernails.

are you doing a "sniff sniff"? hows it smell? MY TURN ?!?!?!?!!?

by TENDIX November 17, 2023

fart sniff

when a guy eats a food that smells like shit

-that weird guy who sniffs the toilet after a hot shit

Big G sniffed the biggest fart after a poop. he is a fart sniffer

by Big G69 February 18, 2020

Push And Sniff

The derogatory to describe the sport of Rugby in Australia as Rubgy is pushing the ball and then perceiving to sniff the player's arse to get the ball back.

Could also be described as a sexual position

Tom: Ha ha ha you like GAYFL!
Jay: At Least I don't sniff my mate's asshole playing push and sniff!
Tom: "Crying intensifies"

by Bottledmilk August 13, 2021

sniff your dirt

When a guy (usually a pervert) smells a girls dirty panties

Bruh, I caught Alex sniffing Nickie's dirt yesterday, that dudes gotta chill before he ends up behind bars.

Boys who sniff your dirt are thirsty.

by Strawberrymochilove May 4, 2016

Sally Sniff

n. The sound of 2 lines being snorted in a short progression because you were stupid and let Sally go first when you knew better. SNIIIIIF - delay of just long enough to move to the next line - SNIIIIIF usually followed by a questioning look on her face. What? We were only supposed to.do 1 of those little bitty lines? They weren't both for me?

v. The act of snorting the 2 lines because whoever cut them up was stupid enough to let Sally go first.

n. Ray- (cuts out a couple lines for he and Sally then steps away to answer his phone. When he returns, there's nothing left and Sally is looking at everything but him. Ray then looks to Drew for confirmation of what he already knows...)
Drew- (Short laugh/sigh under his breath then looks at Ray smiling) You already know... You've been a victim of the Sally Sniff, you fucking retard! You've gotta have some sort of learning disability!
Sally- (blank face) What are you two talking about? I wasn't supposed to do both of those? Are you fucking with me? I would like to apologize to the retarded community...

v. Ray- (cuts one biiiiiig line hoping to slow Sally down)
Sally- (SNIIIIIF) delay just long enough to refill lungs with air - (SNIIIIIF) Why didn't you cut one out for you? Are you trying to quit?
Drew- Damn, bro... She just Sally Sniffed ALL your shit... I guess I'm going to the house early tonight since everybody is now cleaned out.

by DirtyDirtyGinger January 30, 2020