Source Code

There Are No Safe Spaces

What the homeless guy said to me before he bent me right over. and Noah flipped out his phone.


by sachadergrosse January 18, 2019

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lady space

Physical space required between a group of men when in a social setting (i.e. dance floor, pub, club, orgy), in order to provide enough room for female counterparts to spot potential partners, integrate with the group and ultimately dance with any chosen male.

Example taken from Flight of the Concords:

"You guys are dorking up my vibe with all the dicks!
We need to spread the dicks out a little bit!
Create some lady space
C'mon, move apart guys!
Spread 'em out!
This isn't the Riverdance anymore
Over there! Now! ...
There are too many dicks on the dancefloor!"

by London-B-dog August 24, 2009

32๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Space Aids

A mixture of crushed up ecstasy pill and ketamine, resulting in a spaced out high.

Why does this dude think he's in the 6th dimension? Bro, he's fucked up on space aids.

by Beta-male Hunter December 2, 2018

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man space

An amount of space between two men given to maintain their feeling/appearance of Heterosexuality. An extra seat or space between two men.

"John was such a damn idiot, he totally violated the man space by sitting right next to me!"

by Parabellum March 4, 2007

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my space

The scenest thing going at the moment.

Camera whores post pictures of the side of thier face with thier extra heavy eyeliner on. And post a bullitin literaly begging for comments cause it's the only thing that they have to make them feel loved.

Tammy: "Hey, aren't you my friend on MyScene?"

Ron: "No, I don't have one."

Tammy: "Oh. Guess I won't be talking to you if I can't comment all you're super sexy half naked pictures. Later."

by ill kill you July 1, 2005

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space bar

Space bar the key thats so popular it makes enter look like Z.
No one gets more attention that space bar.

Z-No one ever uses me!
Space bar- wow man thats sad i get used 24-7 Maybe you should have been born a vowel or something. At least you can spell Zoolander though.

by Nirvana rapes you January 3, 2008

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Space Monkey

Space Monkey is a game that teens play where a person either chokes his/herself or has someone else do it until they almost pass out. It can cause brain damage due to lack of oxygen to the brain.

Billy was playing "Space Monkey" to get a rush and ended up getting brain damage.

by CAP1 September 28, 2005

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