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A vagina. Commonly used as a derogatory term for women, as "dick" is for men, but for some reason considered far more offensive than "dick".

My ex-girlfriend is such a cunt.

by plsdontjudge June 15, 2016

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A woman with a horrible attitude that most people (men in particular) can't stand. Also another term for vagina.

"I may not be a gynochologist, but I know a cunt when I see one."

by biggerman February 12, 2013

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


cunt:simply put, a girl or woman who C.ant U.nderstand N.ormal T.hinking,hense Cunt

Steph is such a cunt, shes doesn't even understand what shes talkin about!She has no clue what shes doing.

by MattMan22 February 4, 2009

41๐Ÿ‘ 67๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. derogatory term for a woman, one of the most offensive things to call both men and women
2. slang for vagina
3. underground british punk band (the cunts)

she was being a total cunt today.

yeah, i hit that cunt.

have you heard the new cunts album?

by Lauren Juneman February 2, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


Mistakenly applied to female genitalia.
A vagina is the thing you fuck. A cunt is the thing that surrounds it and makes a lot of noise.

She's got a hot tight vagina, but she's a cold loose cunt.

by Prick Derringer September 4, 2007

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Anna is a cunt. Don't be a cunt. Cunt girl jiggles when she plays.

by Arizona Saxman March 7, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Refers to a woman's genitalia. However seldomly refers to a woman. If referred to a woman, considered highly offensive. In the US 'cunt' is seen as an extremely offensive word. However in Australia, 'cunt' is a common term used by males to refer to their other male friends. Seldomly used on women. Can be used to denote an idiot or someone you despise. Usually this person has done something significant to be called a 'cunt'. Older generation of Australians who prefer using the word 'mate' detest this word, however the younger generation are using this word more frequently.

"Oi Cunt! How are ya?" (Aussie young Bloke 1)
"Good mate!" (Aussie young bloke 2)

"Who's the cunt who stole my fuckin' carpark!"

by QueenShadiya June 13, 2008

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