Source Code

Basic White Girl

A girl who religiosly only eats at Chipotle and drinks Starbucks coffee. If she dosn't get her starbucks in the morning don't mess with her.

Alex: Hey you hanging with your girl today?

Trent: No way man the Starbucks near my house moved locations. I can't see her today I'm too young to die.

Alex: Wow sounds serious, good job being cautious bro. Got to watch out for those basic white girls.

by Snoopystheshit March 19, 2015

255πŸ‘ 67πŸ‘Ž

Basic gamer boy

Basic gamer boys usually play fortnite till the crack of dawn and will most likely care more about wins then their girlfriends, they really have no social life and they only know people from matches on Fort

They care about fortnites birthday more than their own

If you have been diagnosed go look outside for the first time and try not to get run over by the battle bus

Girlfriend: hey babe can we hang out I miss you so much
Basic Gamer boy : sorry can’t talk right now I’m in the middle of a game

by Kayleighloveskites February 9, 2019

Basic white girl

A basic white girl is a white girl who wears crocs, they stare at everyone, they talk mad shit, they have their group of like 3-4 people and all of them are basic white bitches, they all wear skinny jeans, and all of them drink Starbucks. All they do is stare at people and talk sum mad game, but then dont speak up when you say sum to them."Basic white girl"!!!

Me-"Look at this basic white bitch over here, shes texting on her iPhone and walking around in her ugly Ass crocs"

Jen-"I know they think they all that, but they aint"

Me-"Oh no, they pointing and staring at us. Great, well here comes the drama!!!

White girl-"Why were you staring at me you bitch, like do have a problem!!! "

Me-"No we are not even talking bout you so just get the fuck away."

White girl-"Ughhhh what the hell us your problem!!!"

Me-"You bitch!!!"

Jen-"Oh shit FIGHT!!!"

Me-"Im out i dont wonna deal with shit right now, adios putas!!!"

Jen-"That's just a basic white girl with her starbucks, jeans, crocs, and her iPhone!!!"

by iDONTlikeBASICpeople August 9, 2019

basic white bitch

a white female (usually in their teenage years in high school) who talks nonstop about Starbucks, and their instagram or tiktok and how "ThEre ArE sO MaNY ThIRstY GuYS iN mY DmS" even though shes litterally doing lewd dances on line

Friend1: oh no her comes bethany.
Friend2: oh no not that basic white bitch
*friend1 to bethany*: shut up about your pumpkinspice latte! its not even good!

by All_hail_Danny_Devito_96240 October 23, 2020

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

visual basic programmer

someone who *thinks* they know how to program, but in reality is pretty average... almost always don't really understand the inner workings of a computer... they get scared by things like call stacks, registers, pointers, assembly, or anything that has to do with the guts of a computers...

also, they are generally not smart enough to do embedded development...

embedded developer: i just hacked the can bus in my car... used a philips tja1050 transceiver, paired it up to a mcf5485 coldfire, developed the logger and gauge renderer in C (gasp!) using codewarrior and spat the image data out to the tft in my car to have virtual gauges on everything!

what have you developed lately?

visual basic programmer: an ftp server...

embedded developer: oh... cool...

by champski April 3, 2009

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Basic White Douche

A basic white douche is a male who partakes of Nike basketball shorts, Nike shin high socks, and Nike bath slippers all at the same time. He is frequently completely brainless, very muscular, and a total jerk. Other identifying factors are: basic white douche tattoos and bro tanks. He is also always Caucasian.

John: Who is that muscular guy in the tank top with "inspiration," tattooed to his forearm in cursive?
Mike: I don't know, but he is certainly a basic white douche.

by StapleStaplesStapelton February 8, 2015

11πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Basic White Girl

An IPhone loving girl who always has a starbucks in her hand and ugg boots on her feet. Shops at Victoria's Secret and takes many filtered selfies. Also owns many pairs of black leggings

"Look at those uggs! She must be a basic white girl"

by motavator1312131 December 30, 2015

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