Source Code

pimping it

Dating someone really pretty

You: are you still pimping it
Me: yeah I'm still dating her

by loveyougirl22 July 3, 2009

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Pimp Thrust

When you just over-exaggerate a pelvic thrust in a very upwards motion. It’s as if your boner is just laying upright on your stomach, trying to pound some angel’s pussy.

β€œThis one stripper at the club was so into me. I was pimp thrusting her for half the night cuz she was just towering over me”

by pooponsoup69 April 1, 2020

pimp skitters

An affliction pimps suffer from as a result of their poor diet based primarily on greasy street food eaten standing.

"Man, I don't know why I've got the pimp skitters today. All I had was two hot dogs, a slice of pizza, a bottle of wine, two cheeseburgers and a coke."

by Roast Beef July 3, 2006

84πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Pimp Fin

Dolphin equivalent of a Pimp Hand. Used to keep a Dolphin's hos in line.

1. eeeeeik eeik eeeek (Keep your Pimp Fin strong)
2. Damn bro, check out that Dolphin's Pimp Fin. He keeps those bitches in line.

by Chadbrochill17 March 15, 2015

178πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž

Pulpit Pimp

A minister that take the Bible out of context intentionally to convince the congregation they CAN'T be blessed unless they give money to HIS ministry!

Joan's Pastor is a serious Pulpit Pimp, he asked her to give her mortgage money to the Building Fund, and said God would supply her needs!

by Mark HS June 9, 2012

Dirt Pimp

real estate agent, one that jacks the price up.

That dirt pimp made my taxes go up again!

by KKLWN May 9, 2004

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Answer Pimp

A smart guy at school who gives the answers to all the hot girls. Which will result in all the hot girls in the class crowding around his desk.

Jock: Hey where's my girlfriend, were supposed to work together.
Friend: She's with all the other hot girls, crowded around that answer pimp.

by Your mom in a thong bikini September 27, 2007