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hag wagon

A big, frumpy, sloppy slob of a white woman. Often loud mouths, stinky, and think every man wants them.

She looks like the queen of all hags and hagdom everywhere! She's a hag wagon!

by Lil' Taste October 24, 2016

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Jack Wagon

A person who does not understand how to drive according to the rules of the road.

That Jack Wagon..He cut me off not even looking right

by JoeyT the Man October 15, 2021

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ass wagon

A vehicle used for transporting slutty girls. Can be used as an insult by indicating that the person in question belongs on an ass wagon.

"You're calling me a slut? Girl you're the one that rides the ass wagon all the time!"

by ShoeFullOfBailles October 15, 2014

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Jazz Wagon

Synonymous with "vagina."

"He totally just tried to touch my jazz wagon."

by Kellyallupinyourinterweb September 21, 2007

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poon wagon

a sexual or romantic bandwagon; to be on the poon wagon means to be in a relationship or simply getting tons of ass. Typically a phrase used towards males.

Rodney: Hey man you've been hitting on her for weeks, just hop on the poon wagon already.

by BallsDeepInVaseline September 29, 2011

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gay wagon


Bryan is a gay wagon

by Ronnie the bird March 15, 2016

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shaggin wagon

a 1992 blue dodge caravan found in downers grove illinois which is used for transportation of many passengers and also is used for fucking

look there goes petey in his shaggin wagon

by peteyrex June 23, 2008

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