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Death Piss

A phenomena that occurs when a man sits down to take a piss. The trajectory of the piss lines up perfectly with the lip of the toilet causing piss to travel through the toilet rim and out onto the floor. This usually goes undetected until it is too late.



by Bustingtonmovesworth November 18, 2012

Piss and Miss

Narcissist Elijah Moore of Ole Miss pissed in the end zone after a TD and kicker misses APT to loose 2019 Egg Bowl to Miss St. Heretofore to be known as the piss and miss game.

Don't celebrate a win before the fat lady sings cause it could be a piss and miss game.

by Joe Shit the Rag Maker November 29, 2019

sky piss

Another word for rain

“Looks like we might be getting some sky piss today, don’t forget your umbrella

by tsunna451 May 19, 2021

Piss Abyss

When you’re having intercourse with your partner and instead of ejaculating, you urinate

Last night I gave my girl the piss abyss

by WacklesTheClown February 15, 2022

piss sprinkler

(verb) To spin and/or twist while urinating, so one can piss on everything in sight in a given area. Frequently done in anger or while drunk - or both.

(noun) The act of performing a piss sprinkler.

The waitress in the Rodeo Bar was a real twat, so I piss sprinklered the entire bathroom before leaving last night.

by FreeFall the Psychaderelic October 3, 2010

Gorilla piss

1. High quality concoction of PCP and formaldehyde in liquid form for soaking cigs or weed, usually sold in glass bottles from vanilla extract (known as a 'stract). see fry wet or dip.
2. Strain of cannibis named after the slang to imply high quality.
3. Term for any drug of high quality, mostly used by those uninitiated into PCP culture.

Yo, let's go get dipped out... but I'm not wasting my money unless it's some GORILLA PISS. Strong as King Kong and twice as dumb.

by Dj Mateo in 713 March 2, 2019


Another name for penis/dick piss-silencer

If I'm gonn' put my piss-muffler in yo mouth,then you better not use your teeth.

by Mr. AvocadoMan June 14, 2020