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Type O Negative

1. The greatest metal band of all time;

2. The band whose logo I have tattooed on my back.

The best Type O Negative albums are "Slow, Deep and Hard", and "World Coming Down".

by industrialfan71 April 8, 2008

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several people are typing

What your device says when multiple people are typing at once. This can be due to an argument, a large number of people active at once, or somebody asking a question so stupid that it leads to several people typing.

Me: "Does a straw have one hole or two holes?"

*Several people are typing...*

by Flamevell May 6, 2018

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Nigtard type II

A term used to describe a black person that has autism and diabetes type II and is a fat black retarded fuck that runs over niggas in his Stephen Hawking mobile.

Person 1: hey man you hear that a nigtard type II is moving here from Louisiana?

Person 2: yeah we gonna go beat his shit with a flamethrower and a dump truck on Friday.

by Seikinushi December 1, 2019

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type 3 fun

not fun at all, not even in retrospect. As in, โ€œWhat the hell was I thinking? If I ever even consider doing that again, somebody slap some sense into me.โ€

That was type 3 fun!

by Apothegm September 24, 2014

Type 10 Diabetes

When you drink 8.25e+17 polar pops

Hi i would like 825000000000000000 polar pops please.

Lmao you will get but type 10 diabetes but ok

by KingBigPP September 11, 2020

Type 2 Asthma

Like the first type, Type 2 Asthma is a respiratory condition that makes breathing very difficult. Which can cause very heavy (Sexual) breathing. But what's also unique to this, is that it causes the person to have conditions very similar to Autism. As in the person is mentally stupid and doesn't have Common Sense. Side effects of Type 2 Asthma is that it causes the person to have orgasms or act very constipated.

"Guys I think this kid has Type 2 Asthma"

by NWCTA_Vocab March 28, 2019

Cole Character Type

Very few guys have this rare type of character.

A man who has two sides, Positive and Negative.

Positive: He is the warm hearted and respectful of you. His smile could make the sun rise. His caring eyes lift the burden off you shoulders. His chivalry reminds you of an honored knight. Smooth words of his would have you feel warmer than you have ever felt. No matter what happens, he could make you smile. Think of all the happy things you can think of, then think of Cole.

Negative: He is hateful. Angered about something and keeps it all inside. irritable. Most of all, pissed off. His scornful eyes make you feel blank and worthless.

If he is a jerk, he will soon turn that around, leaving you remembering nothing could ever compare to his positive traits combined.

Usually This type of Cole is neutral. Sometimes negative and rarely all the traits of positive.

Known traits:
He is slightly pervy, but just around his friends.
And also will always be respected as a man.
Very intelligent, and might get into heated arguements debating who is right.
Complicated personality
Very Funny, Good at improv.

And his glassy eyes will remind you of a calm turquoise sea

Dude: Yeah, My friend has an Cole Character Type
Anonymus: Wow! You Know a Cole? That character type is quite rare. Like a magnet, Positive, Negative and VERY attractive!

by Ich bin Nachtraben August 31, 2010

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