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What the Darn-Do-Dang!

A phrase made famous by Jonas and Matthew.
Used to express sheer whelmedness.

โ€œDid you eat my Nips?!, What the Darn-Do-Dang!โ€

by Makaio_Ekana October 10, 2018

What It Do TV

The Realest Channel on Youtube, Devoted to Keeping it Real 1000% No Refunds

Yo, did you catch that episode of what it do tv? Its realness was off the hook!

by What it do. July 6, 2017

What was i doing again

A question you ask yourself after you come back to your room, sit down and think about what you were doing before you went away

Person: *enters their room and sits down.*
Person: what was i doing again

by MissRubberDuck December 12, 2023

What that baby do?

How is your child?

Yo fam heard your bitch pushed that thing out? What that baby do?

by Ya boy big Proc! June 24, 2023

What's a mother to do?

A situation without hope. A situation considered lame or distaistfull. Mother not as in your mother, mother as in motherfucker meaning the person saying the phrase.

1:"Hey did those parts come in from UPS yet?"
2:"No we're still waiting on em'."
1:"I can't fix my car without them."
2:"What's a mother to do?"

by Gnik Nave July 17, 2011

What the fuck are we doing?


Hym "HAHAHA! THAT! THAT IS FUCKING HILARIOUS! What the fuck are we doing? We're letting the trannies do what ever they wamt but I have ro pretend I didn't create A.I. That's what We're doing."

by Hym Iam April 12, 2024

Shawty what that thang do!

If someone asks this, they're most likely asking for the "thang", which if you don't know what that is, it's either an "eggplant" or "cake" between ones thighs ;).

Boyfriend: Shawty what that thang do!
Girlfriend: Hmm ๐Ÿ˜

by AReallyRandomDude August 24, 2022

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