Stands for “U Gay After That One Bro”? Looks like u might be gay now, brother.
Looch: yo what’d u do last night?
DJ: slept at Gibby’s, chushed bare
Looch: damn i back the chushing, but ugato-b?
DJ: maybe bro
A Lizzy b is usually a cum filled ornament that one shoves up another persons anal canal or gives to a relative as a gift (Birthday, wedding, funeral etc)
Oh shit Jamal, I seem to have forgotten to bring the Lizzy b for grandma. She'll go tits.
A not so famous but also very talented hungarian Cloud rapper and song writer with sarcasm and irony in his heart.
Mate1: Hey hey hey mate have you banged that girl last night?
Mate2: Nah man
Mate1: How come? I taught you ARE a womanizer
Mate2: Yeah but it turned out she's a young B!TE fan. I tell you she's a bloody keeper!
A small content creator with zero bitches
Person 1: hay do you know B$239
Person 2: yeah he gets zero bitches
Probably the biggest savage you will ever meet, hes gotta sling so he pulls endless tang. Maxy B is a man for the people and will save your life one day.#juulgang#slingsgetbitches#mckennasabitch
Damn i bet u wish u were like maxy b
Bad Boy Chad 69 🥶 Damn Bro chaddy b out here turning the baby to bad boyz 😭🏳️ 🌈
ashley : omg mattyb ??
orla : nahh chaddy b 😭