Typically an adolescent who is overly friendly, shares too many details of their life which are largely fabricated, and wants to be your best friend even though you just met. Often disheveled in appearance with a perpetual red Kool Aid stain around their lips. Another defining characteristic is consuming discarded food (typically sweets) left out in public, not out of hunger, but just on impulse. They lack any form of social awareness and boundaries. Unfortunately, they are often from broken homes and families of neglect.
Hey Eric, you know that cupcake that got left out on the park bench yesterday? I just saw that poop kid who wouldn't leave us alone earlier go over and eat it.
An enthusiastic expert in the depth of aromas in human fecal matter. Often found outside restrooms, waiting for a waft of olfactory pleasure emanating from a porcelain bowl full of goodies. Some like rich full reds, others fine crisp whites. The poop sommelier seeks the browns and often greens of excrement.
That incessant imp was outside the bathroom again waiting for me as I was taking a shit. What is wrong with him?
Answer: Poop Sommelier
An enthusiastic expert in the depth of aromas in human fecal matter. Often found outside restrooms, waiting for a waft of olfactory pleasure emanating from a porcelain bowl full of goodies. Some like rich full reds, others fine crisp whites. The poop sommelier seeks the browns and often greens of excrement.
That incessant imp was outside the bathroom again waiting for me as I was taking a shit. What is wrong with him?
Answer: Poop Sommelier
Phrase for saying you are satisfied after being fulfilled in any certain way or fulfilling any certain thing.
Person 1: Those valentine's day chocolates were goated! I'm dusted and pooped!
Person 2: Goated indeed!
The smell is horrible! One day i pooped and it got clogged, it sat in the toilet for so long black mold started growing from the bacteria.
My poop just got moldy! It’s now moldy poop!
While having diarrhea, your peeing from your ass when a suprise solid bursts from your asshole in a painful manor.
Yo I had the shits really bad when I was hit by the suprise poops
A Stoops poops is when you have that rumble in your stomach and gas pains so bad that you’re going to go all nuclear and shit yourself like yesterday, but your dad is telling dusty ass old stories about growing up. He pulls in the driveway at home, but decides to just creep along, not stopping the car or unlocking the doors to let you out. You basically have no choice but to shit yourself, or you can yell STOP at the top of your lungs then clench like a finch as you run for the toilet. That’s a Stoops Poops
Verb/adjective~One would be taking a Stoops Poops;
You have to take a Stoops Poops
My dad was telling us stories about the glory days, but I wasn’t listening because I had to take a STOOPS POOPS.
I took a STOOPS POOPS after we ate at the red lobster in Omaha, but everyone else loved it.