A periodical teenie bopper magazine and card collection that law officials trade with each other and discuss with their colleagues and all the other likes that are associated with them..
The taxi driver and the cop parked next to each other must be trading issues of the latest boys Life magazine . They get the info about the latest boys club trends....
when you are suffering beacuse your whole life is mid.
bros having "mid life cirsis" he ain't got no Drip at all.
look at chad his life is the defenition of *Mid life crisis*
A period of time in someone middle or old age years where they want to be younger again.
Ruby is in her 40s and actually 14, I think she having a mid life crisis
When you and a friend from your past, get together after a big hiatus, and realize that you both have been living your best lives, and now they finally intersect. Who needs real high fives, when your lives can high five themselves!?
Josh: This is crazy. We both own houses, have killer jobs we love, we spend every weekend on the water, and we basically have been killing it! So glad we are hanging out again!
Brittany: Duh. Life high five!
Descriptive of the lifestyle lead by a bucket. More specifically, a bucket is typically an unemployed vagrant who loiters and bums smokes as they partake in gossip while contributing nothing to, and annoying productive members of society.
Referring to a bucket, as a bucket does nothing but stagnate.
"Want to cut through the back of McDonald's to get to the market? Nah man, that's where all the bucket ass bums chill"
"Wanna smoke these butts I found and argue about rap artists? Fuck that bucket life bro!"
What lobster parents say when they take a small nip out of their youngsters' tails so that if a lobsterman catches the lobsters sometime later, he has to throw them back. The amended v-notch law now states that if you catch a lobster that has a bit missing from its tail where a v-notch could have been, you have to throw it back, since it might have been previously v-notched by a fisherman to mark it as an egg-bearing female.
Lobster mom: We're biting for your life.
Lobstermen: What about **our** lives?? You're reducing our income by preventing us from harvesting a lot of legal lobsters!
“fuck your life” or “goodbye your life”
bye your life goodnight