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Supporting Donald Trump

Supporting Donald Trump i when a single child-less adult male masturbates to anime

Tim: Hey, what were you doing earlier, you never text me back?
Wade: Well I was supporting Donald Trump this morning, and I plan to do so later today.

by LilCrakMunchkin January 20, 2016

3👍 63👎

novo rules trump house rules

say it when u want to get what you want and you have a novo because novo rules automatically trump house rules
-darby and tara . (we made this shit)

“you have to fuck her mom bc novo rules trump house rules”

by Nigger69cock May 5, 2019

Trump v.s Kim Jong Un

A Cheeto fighting a Turnip. Two fucking idiots with no common sense that will probably just throw out kindergarten insults until one of them starts crying.

Tom: What would Trump v.s Kim Jong Un look like?
Linda: A Cheeto and a Turnip.

by Well if it isn't a lil farmer March 28, 2018

4👍 1👎

Did Trump Have Nine Lives?

An equivalent of asking “Could Donald J. Trump be nearing the last stage of his decade-long corrupt and criminal lifestyle after devilishly and successfully avoiding fines and jail sentences time and time again?”

How long could Trump’s “political persecution” be used as a legal excuse to exonerate him from being locked up? Did Trump have nine lives? Have bribes, crimes, and lies finally lost patience with him and his cronies? Has Heaven’s impatience taken hold of them?

by MathPlus July 2, 2021

79👍 126👎

I just can't Trump today

Nothing accomplished

Not going to work

I just can't Trump today.

by Mandyjane August 9, 2017

2491👍 4786👎

His Biden’s taking a Trump

Another term for taking a shit, or literally; “your ass is taking a shit”. Makes sense because ‘Trump’ and ‘Biden’ are proper definitions for ‘Shit’ and ‘Ass’.

Gerald: Hey where’s Richard?

Marcus: Oh his Biden’s taking a Trump he’ll be right out.

Gerald: Oh ok.

by Some other random guy November 30, 2020

1👍 3👎

less than Trump paid in taxes

less than $750

an adjective phrase that describes an amount of money.

For less than Trump paid in taxes, you can rent a room in Port Richmond.

For less than Trump paid in taxes, you can get a refurbished laptop from eBay.

by xkhdc September 28, 2020