The sweetest and most attractive girl was born on this day. They are every redhead's crush. And no one should ever ignore their birthday just because almost every super bowl lands on that day.
Person with red hair: That person born on February 3 is soooo hot
Person 2: You should ask them out.
Faith issues; food issues; father issues
“A girl blogger with the 3 f issues”
Word made by Vietnamese low life communists who use it to insult Vietnamese with pro-democracy thought
Random person: I don't think Ho Chi Minh is a god
The commie: How dare you insult our dear leader you fucking 3 sticks
the coolest person around!
they are so smart and everyone loves them
they are sooooooooooooo pretty<3
wow… i wish i was erin fisk<3, they are so cool
i love erin fisk
The 3 amedams are student doing lot of crazy and stupid things. There are 6 of them they are really amedams they look like ameds they are like the 3 musketeers.