The idea that the political ignorant have been radicalized to become far-right fascists through social media and meme culture.
Carlos used to be a fanatic futbol fan, The Facebook effect turned him into a fascist who posts about far-right ideals that are destroying the lives of people like him.
When you are on a church event for so long that you forget what real girls look like and become so horny that the statue of Mary is turning you on. When you begin to lust over fat Betsy.
Give it 2 nights and the church camp effect will kick in.
That church camp effect is hitting Timmy hard, he is all over Betsy.
The act of creating a crash so epic that it seems to have no beginning or end. Just carnage. It also causes people to unintentionally blurt out ‘You can’t park there ‘while driving past.
Me:‘Jesus Christ, you see that crash? That’s a hot mess. The Otis Effect is in play.
Me: “Hey! You can’t park there!!!”
Friend:’Dude! Nooooo!!”
The little Timmy effect is essentially the little Jimmy effect but it benefits a certain age group in general, so for example if a kid were to make a painting and it looks ugly as shit, and the older brother of that kid makes a fucking beautiful work of art the parent would most likely pick the little kids painting to keep him from balling his eyes out.
Brother: Mom look at this thing I made!
Little Brother: Look at mine!
*the little brother shows a disgusting piece of shit ever*
Mom: Hmmm.. I like you little brothers
Brother: Its the fuckin Little Timmy Effect.
the event in which someone gains a lot of clout and/or revenue from hate (accidentally, intentionally, etc). applies best on youtube.
named after morgz because he, theoretically, uses this effect a lot
"how did you make so much money???"
"i don't know, i just made a video and the morgz effect struck."
A show that has gone through The Wilkos Effect is a show that showcases cheating and DNA as well as criminal acts.
The Jeremy Kyle Show has gone through The Wilkos Effect because the people on the show are accused cheaters, need DNA results, and/or need justice because of a criminal act!
When you fall for a Horseman unexpectedly
I never thought that i would get hit by the Horseman effect.