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When you k-hole off ched/dope/weed/spiff/grass/pot/marijuana

“Man, I got so chedded last night I went into a ched-hole
Wow dude, ched-holes are class”

by Papercutsurvivors101 December 14, 2018

That's a hole

Something you enter.

OH, That's a hole!

by 69+420 January 7, 2023

Burned Hole

When you fuck your girl so hard right after she takes a shit and the friction burns her anus

Dude 1: How was it with Cassey?
Dude 2: It was so good I gave her a Burned Hole

by TJnine November 7, 2015

mayonnaise hole

The act of creaming one's butthole with mayonnaise.

Let me mayonnaise hole you.

by prettybadwtf October 4, 2022

Drink Hole

A drink hole is the opening on casino floors that the drink servers come out of and is usually a kitchen area. It is wise to gravitate towards said areas to take advantage of the free drinks.

All you have to do is sit at a slot machine near the drink hole, and look like your gambling. Soon enough, a drink girl will emerge from said drink hole to quench your thirst.

Nick: "All this winning on the slot machines is making me thirsty"

Doug: "In that case, Lets go hit up a drink hole"

by macaroni21 February 11, 2011

long holes

A huge woman vagina

Oh baby fuck me and my long holes

by Bishop nigga February 27, 2017

cheater hole

Fucking the rolls in a fat girl.

I was so drunk I fucked her cheater hole!

by dRchockey October 12, 2017