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My eyes just had a workout

when your crying but you don't want to admit it cuz you wimp af

Person: hey, are you crYinG
You: no, my eyes just had a workout

by thatbitchwithnolife December 9, 2018

i spy my little eye

You and your friends just say I spy with my little eye and you say a color of a object without telling the object. Then they look and try to guess it

Jonny: I spy my little eye something that is green
Seon: is it grass?

Jonny: yes (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)

by Its_avi July 10, 2021

Drop Dead Gorg Easy On The Eyes

This means when someone is so sexy there are just no words to describe them. There something that makes them stand out from the rest and just have this glow about them.

All the girls on my softball team are drop dead gorg easy on the eyes.

by Tooties April 23, 2019

1👍 1👎

Eyes Bigger Than One's Vagina

Similar to the phrase that someone's "eyes are bigger than his/her stomach," which means that someone overestimated the amount of food that he/she wanted, having eyes bigger than one's vagina means that someone overestimated the size pecker (wanker, johnson, peter) that she wanted or could handle.

Girl 1: "How was your sleepover with George last night?"
Girl 2: "I'm still sore!"
Girl 1: "Ha, I guess your eyes are bigger than your vagina!"
(Girl 1 is an example of someone who has eyes bigger than one's vagina)

by jk_all_the_way October 4, 2010

6👍 1👎

One inch high private eye

A short person usually found in the work place who is enjoys snitching on fellow colleagues to the big boss.

Look busy here comes the one inch high private eye!

by Abiswaythe January 30, 2010

5👍 1👎

Only have eyes for you

This person is using a free version of eyes, which can only see some things and some people, plus ads.

I only have eyes for you... please buy me premium.

by Drangus Hangus July 12, 2019

2👍 7👎

and then he poked me in the eye

A song sung to the music from Bomberman level 3. Relating to the thrusting of ones finger into the victims eyeball. The 'he' can also be changed for 'she', but 'he' sounds better.

*Get's poked in the eye*
...and then he poked me in the eye

by EC February 5, 2005

4👍 17👎