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salmonella on a stick

a word to describe anything out to ordinary

salmonella on a stick wow

by coolerthanukid69 April 17, 2020

UB Stick

A 30cm steele rod used to defend yourself with.

Adam: Mate, why the hell do you have a solid steele rod in your car.
Nick: It's my UB Stick.

adam: UB Stick?

Nick: Yeah, U B dead when i hit you with it!

Luka: Mannn..... i gotta head to Singleton, N.S.W.

Josh: Better Grab ya UB Stick.. Never know what whack jobs gonna be attempting a wigga's drive by. All the Young F@*ktards live there now.

by its.the.truth.and.you.know.it January 20, 2011

Swizzle sticks

The little hairs that can get nasty around a male dogs pee whole.

Quit licking your swizzle sticks Bob! (insert your dog name)

by Nvs1990 April 11, 2022

Swizzle Stick

A stick used for mixing, stirring, or blending.

I shoved my Swizzle Stick in her ass, and mixed that shit up!

by dirtyd45678 March 30, 2016

Stick twins

Penis and testicles vagina penetration

She was so relaxed last night I gave her the stick twins and she was loving it

by Muffdiver41 August 5, 2018

Drawing The Short Stick

A normal sized person 69ing with a midget.

Last night was pretty sweet. I was drawing the short stick and got to lick lick licking the mini kit kit kitty.

by sandiegophillykilla March 27, 2019

Stick pussy

A term for penis. It’s what gay men want. The thing in Shaniah‘s closet.

Mike Solomon was a little disappointed when he found out what a stick pussy was, because he built it up in his head too much.

by Darth Nater September 16, 2020