November 2nd is a day to prank your friend. In any type of way . Either through person or electronics . Good luckkk
Me acting like a psycho path : BiTch PuLL uP oN NoVemBeR 2 YoU dUmB wHoRe
International hit the one you hate most😊
Person 1: its November 2
Person 2: OH FUCK
national give head day, make them fail NNN
“It’s November 2!”
“want to fail NNN?”
This is the day where you just go fuck your self!! Made by Alex Maldonado
Gina:Today is November 2 so I'm going to go fuck myself!
November 2 is national bully your short friend day!
Go wild!
Tell them that you hate having to look down to them, bend to get a picture, or even having to stand behind them just because they are shorter.
November 2nd is your day tall people!
november 2nd is ask out a girl day so boys don’t be scared.
“ugh i really like that girl”
dude it’s november 2nd shoot your shot
national hug any girl who sends this to you
november 2, whoever sends this to you, you need to give them a hug