The sack hanging from the D (see "the D" for definition)
A smart soluble, cement bag by the company Billerud Korsnäs
Woah! Johnny har a really big D-sack.
The D sack is really smart and environmentally friendly
This happenes when a two or more people have played dungeon and dragons* for an extensive amount of time and make jokes of rolling d&d** dice in real life.
*a table game
**short for dungeons and dragons
Hey we are late to class! Who goes in first?
Lets all role a d20* for initiative
Did you just do a D&D dice roll?
* d20 is a dice used in dungeon and dragons that has 20 faces
A emo boy who is 17 turning 18 soon who hits on freshman and sophomore’s as a senior who can’t make friends in his own grade so he preys on underclass, caught up in law cause his own family hates him. transphobic while being using He/They against own family and past exes who eats dog shit and will do nothing in life and be nothing
P1-“stop being such a fucking dumbass lil D’”
P2-“Shes only 16!”
The acronym for "messy, stressy, and depressy", aka when you are a stressed and depressed mess.
I am feeling so SM&D! FML.
It sucks but I am just SM&D.......
I am feeling so MS&D! FML.
It sucks but I am just MS&D..
A condition in queer men causing an inability to see less straight than usual. Characterized by a severe starvation of cock.
Look at David over there by the bar. He's so desperate with that ugly ass dude. He must be D-ficient.
Colin Ds are usually very kind, self aware, intelligent, and most of all talented. He's a got a great taste of music and can kill it on guitar. A lovely presence to be around that makes everyone near happy. Colin Ds make great friends.
"My friend just released a new song it's so good" "Yo was it Colin D? I love that man"