When everything is going good, this is what you tell your friend.
Josh stuck out his thumb and said confidently, "looks good flight."
a geography teacher, he has alot of lore and background to those humongous nostrils of his.
Mr gooding is a gay.
Bob: That bloke just tried to on with my missus
Steve: Give him a good paling for it
It is a saying one shounts after being greatly startled or shocked.
*Son gets shot infront of dad* Dad: "Oh Good Heavens!"
*Dad watches his kids get turned into red mist while playing by the road by a giant truck going 200.* Dad: "Oh Good Heavens!"
A term created by Weegee Plays, to describe something that feels utterly satisfying and glorious. Weegee uses it to describe King K. Rool's Down-Smash attack in the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Weegee Plays: "This show-stop belly flop will put you on top and never stop! It is YUCKY GOOD!"
you + Sister = sex
Sex = a good time
a good time is when you hear your parens claping
Something that is sometimes advertised on a bathroom wall by stating that you can have one if you call a certain phone number
For a good time, call ______.